Behind the Mask: Get to Know Yana Bostongirl
I am a unique blend of cultures from West & South Africa, South Asia & North America
Many writers begin their online writing journey with an “About Me” post to introduce themselves to their readers. These posts often end up performing exceptionally well. The reasons are simple: An intro builds a relationship between the writer and their audience by giving the latter insights into the person behind the words. Secondly and more importantly, if the “About Me” resonates with the readers, there is a high chance they will engage and follow for more content.
I have chosen not to write a traditional “About Me” simply because I let my experiences and perspectives speak for themselves.
Based on observations from 3 years of writing, I’ve realized that people are naturally curious about those they meet online. Here is where the power of showing not telling comes into play. Instead of revealing everything in one shot, I prefer to spark curiosity and let it grow.
I’d like to thank the wonderful Chrysa Sterigou, Chief Editor of the Catharsis Chronicles pub on Medium for inviting me to participate in such a thoughtfully crafted interview.
(Intro by Chrysa Sterigou)
Dear friends,
Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing a woman who is not only very popular and beautiful but also an esteemed writer.
Yana Bostongirl is known for her willingness to address significant issues in her writing.
Chrysa: My dearest Yana, we would love to learn as much as possible about your personal life and the woman behind the name.
Yana: My name is Juliyana, but you can call me Yana. I am a daughter, a mom, and a partner. Growing up on three different continents due to my parents’ frequent locations, I consider myself a mix of African, Asian, and American cultures and languages.
I have heard that sometimes people start writing to make sense of things when their world is falling apart. To understand why this is happening to them and what they can do about it. My writing journey began in a similar vein. I started blogging during the interminable waits between my child’s doctor appointments.
Chrysa: That is really unbelievable!!! I have read that you cry a lot. What touches you the most?
Yana: Some see crying as a weakness, but I don’t. I am emotional and I cry easily — whether happy, sad, or moved by a touching article. In other words, I wear my heart on my sleeve.
For the longest time, I have been called “too sensitive” and advised to “toughen up.”
Well, is being sensitive such a bad thing? Last time I checked, I was hurting no one except perhaps myself. And just because I am highly sensitive doesn’t mean I am not functional.
I am and I do get things done — on time too. For me, crying is as natural as going to bed and waking up refreshed. I also find it to be cathartic. Better out than in!
Chrysa: I know exactly what you mean. I cry a lot, too, and it is liberating. You have a thing with dreams. Are you a superstitious person in general? What do you get from dreams?
Yana: A few months ago, I started having intense and vivid dreams that either left me deeply unsettled or yearning for more. While researching why this is happening, I came across the suggestion to try dream journaling. Each time I have an intense dream, I write it down in my journal and the amazing thing is it gives me insights into what could be causing me to feel unsettled or anxious.
Chrysa: You know, Yannis Andetonkoumbo and Manolis Karalis, both faced abuse due to their color. They proved their value, though and now everyone is proud of them. Another question that I have…Why do you wear a mask?
Yana: I began writing during COVID-19 when masks were the norm. My profile picture is consistent across all my writing platforms and social media, and I think it is now synonymous with my name so I’d rather not change it. Also, I like my privacy.
Chrysa: I see… Tell us about the name you have chosen to write under.
Yana: Though it is a pen name, it includes a part of my name and reflects my Boston roots, so it made sense to go with it.
Chrysa: Do you want to tell us about your love story with a fellow Medium poet?
Yana: My partner said something about my writing spoke to him and made him want to learn more about me despite my tendency to be closed off.
His patience and the interest demonstrated in gaining my trust were truly remarkable. It sparked my curiosity enough to circle cautiously — unsure whether to draw closer or bolt. Fortunately, the circle grew progressively smaller thanks to his persistence.
While it might have been the enigmatic aspect that inspired him to fly thousands of miles to be with me, according to him, it was something deeper and more genuine that convinced him to stay.
Chrysa: That is so romantic. How did you get into Medium? Did someone tell you about it?
Yana: I have been part of a support group for a few years now and a member who is a former English teacher suggested I try writing since she thought I express myself well. I first heard of Medium from a date — an engineer who created an account but never got around to writing anything.
Chrysa: What are your favorite genres?
Yana: My blogs are self-reflections on love, relationships, and writing experiences.
Chrysa: Would you like to tell us about your blog?
Yana: Looking back at my earlier blogs, I wrote about everything, however, nothing motivated me as much as writing about my own life. This is probably because it is a form of therapy for me — processing and letting go of past trauma and memories while helping me be more present.
Chrysa: Where do you get your inspiration from?
Yana: My life.
🎈Read the full interview at this free link
It was a wonderful interview! I really enjoyed learning more about you and what drives you. Keep inspiring us, my dear friend.
It is an amazing interview. You are a wonderful courageous young woman. You are independant and yet within your culturalframework and set up within which you operate. It is lovelyto have met you on Medium and we have a strong bond of friendship. I enjoyed reading your interview.